Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service

The team is made up of Health Visitors, Family Nurses, and School Nurses who have had specialist training in working with children to assess and support their health and development needs. We also have registered nurses and skilled support staff who can help you with your child’s development and healthy lifestyles.

Reviews and Visits

We work with every family who live in Nottingham City or have a child at a city school. We will offer you and your child at least the following appointments:

Antenatal Review

What to expect at your antenatal appointment

We will talk about:

  • Your health and well being
  • Your baby’s health and development
  • Who and where you can go to for support

Getting to know your Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service

While you are pregnant your Midwife will be your main contact.

Once your baby is born your Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service will be there to support you.

The team is made up of nurses who have extra training in working with children and families to assess and support their health and development needs.

We have other members of the team who are trained in things like child development and nutrition.

We work with every family in Nottingham City and will offer you and your child at least the following appointments:

  • Antenatal between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy
  • New Birth Review when your baby is 10-14 days old
  • Breastfeeding support
  • 6-8 Week Review
  • 9-12 Month review
  • 2-2½ Year Review
  • A School Ready Review from when your child is 3½ years old
  • The National Child Measurement Programme where we measure the height and weight of every child in Reception and Year 6

We will continue to support, when needed, throughout your child’s school years.

Your antenatal appointment

We would like to offer you this appointment to get to know you before your baby is born and things get really busy!

We know that pregnancy can be an exciting time but that you may also have worries or questions that we can help you with.

Your partner, or anyone who supports you, is very welcome to be with you.

What will the Health Visitor or Family Nurse talk to you about?

  • Your feelings about your pregnancy
  • Looking after yourself and your baby
  • Your relationships and support
  • Changing family life
  • Your labour and your baby’s birth
  • Caring for your baby
  • Feeding your baby

We are a confidential text service for parents and caregivers that you can talk to about:

  • Feeding and nutrition
  • Sleep l Toilet training
  • Parenting advice and support
  • Child development
  • Family health

Text a Public Health Nurse on 07480 635002

Access the Antenatal Review leaflet here

Breastfeeding Support

We provide breastfeeding support for all breastfeeding women after the birth of their baby.

Breastfeeding support drop-in sessions:

Want to know more about breastfeeding your baby?

The groups offer:

· help with your own feeding journey

· a place to meet other parents

· support to build your confidence to feed your baby.


We aim to provide a friendly environment, where you can gain confidence to feel comfortable feeding your baby anywhere.  A Nutrition Peer Support Worker will answer all your questions. They are parents who have breastfed too!

Where and when our breastfeeding groups are running across Nottingham City













Broxtowe Cornerhouse Family Hub

NG8 3AP - Held in the Pink Room 


First Tuesday of the month

TimeMorning 10:00-11:30am 







Room to Play 17-19 Commercial Road,

NG6 8HD - Located in Bulwell town centre                                                  



First Thursday of the month

Time: Afternoon 13:00-14:30






Southglade Access Centre Family Hub

NG5 5GU - Held in the Large meeting room                                

Third Friday of the month

Time: Morning 10:00-11:30AM





Clifton Cornerstone Southchurch Drive

NG11 8EW - Held in the Creche room                                                                                             

Fourth Tuesday of the month

Time Morning 10:00-11:30




Hyson Green

Mary Potter Family/Health Centre

NG7 5HY - Held in the Activity room                                                     

First Wednesday of the month

Time Morning 10:00-11:30





Meadows Family Hub

NG2 2HZ  - Held in the Play Room

Second Wednesday of the month

Time Morning 10:00-11:30am





Sherwood Health Centre

NG5 4AD  - Held in the Health Education Room

Third Tuesday of the month

Time: Afternoon 13:00-14:30




Sneinton /   St Anns               

Sneinton Health Centre 

NG2 4PJ-  Held in the Health Education Room 

Second Tuesday of the month 


11am -12:30 




Wollaton Vale Health Centre

NG8 2GR - Held in the Health Education Room                                                                                      

Fourth Friday of the month

Time: Afternoon 13:00-14:30



Date and Venue are subject to change. Page updated June 2024




New Birth Review

What to expect at the New Birth Appointment

Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service

While you were pregnant your Midwife was your main contact.

Now your baby is born, your Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service is here to support you.

The team is made up of Health Visitors who are nurses and who have had specialist training in working with children and families to assess and support their health and development needs.

We also have Registered Nurses and skilled support staff who can help you with breastfeeding, your child’s development and healthy lifestyles.

Here are some of the websites that we recommend for information you can trust:

Your new birth appointment

A Health Visitor from our team will visit you at home. We will check how you are doing; and we will check and weigh your baby to make sure that they are developing and growing as expected. Your partner, or anyone who supports you, is very welcome to be with you.

At the visit we would like to hear from you and share information about lots of different things, including:

  • How you are feeling after baby’s birth
  • How you are doing as a family
  • If there is any support you need
  • Getting to know your baby
  • Feeding your baby
  • Keeping your baby safe
  • Protecting your baby from childhood illnesses
  • Your contraception choice

We are a confidential text service for parents and caregivers that you can talk to about:

  • Feeding and nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Toilet training
  • Parenting advice and support
  • Child development
  • Family health

Text a Public Health Nurse on 07480 635002

Access the New Birth Review leaflet here 

What to expect at the 6-8 week review appointment

Your Children’s Public Health 0–19 Nursing Service is here to support you.

The team is made up of Health Visitors who are nurses and who have had specialist training in working with children and families to assess and support their health and development needs.

We also have Registered Nurses and skilled support staff who can help you with your child's development and a healthy lifestyle.

Your baby’s 6-8 Week Review Appointment

Now your baby is coming up to 6-8 weeks old a Health Visitor from our team will visit you at home.

We will ask how you are doing, weigh and measure your baby, and ensure they are growing and developing as expected.

Your partner, or anyone who supports you, is very welcome to be with you.

At the visit we will talk about

  • how you are feeling physically and emotionally
  • if there is any support you need
  • your baby’s growth and development
  • feeding your baby
  • getting to know your baby
  • keeping your baby safe
  • immunisations and protecting your baby from childhood illnesses
  • your contraception choices

Here are some of the websites that we recommend for information you can trust:

Read the 6-8 week review leaflet here

9-12 Month Review

Getting to know your Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service

Your Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service is here to support you.

The team is made up of Health Visitors and Family Nurses who have had specialist training in working with children and families to assess and support their health and development needs. We also have Registered Nurses and skilled support staff who can help you with your child’s development and a healthy lifestyle.

Your baby’s 9-12 month Review Appointment

Your child is coming up to one and it’s time to weigh them and do length and head measurements and check their developmental progress.

A member of the Children’s 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service will visit you at home.

Your partner, or anyone who supports you, is very welcome to be with you.

At the visit we will talk about

  • How your baby is developing
  • Your routine
  • How you are feeling
  • Sleep
  • Diet and healthy eating
  • Safety in the home
  • Dental care and brushing your child’s teeth
  • Anything else that you would like to talk about

We are a confidential text service for parents and caregivers that you can talk to about:

  • Feeding and nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Toilet training
  • Parenting advice and support
  • Child development
  • Family health

Text a Public Health Nurse on 07480 635002


Here are some of the websites that we recommend for information you can trust:

Start 4 life

Sepsis Information

Tiny Happy People

Healthy Start

The Sleep Charity

NHS Children’s Teeth

CityCare Baby Feeding - Facebook

ICON - Baby’s Crying

Child Accident Prevention Trust

Contraception Information

Every Mind Matters

Let’s Talk Wellbeing letstalkwellbeing

Ask Lion

Access the 9-12 Month Review leaflet here

2-2 ½ Year Review

What to expect at your child’s 2-2½ Year Review

Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service

Your Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service is here to support you.

The team is made up of Health Visitors and Family Nurses who have had specialist training in working with children and families to assess and support their health and development needs.

We also have Registered Nurses and skilled support staff who can help you with your child’s development and a healthy lifestyle.

Your child’s 2-2½ Year Review Appointment

Now your child is around 2 years old, it is time for their 2-2½ Year Review, which is offered to every family.

A member of the Children’s 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service will visit you at home or invite you into a clinic.

Your partner, or anyone who supports you, is very welcome to be with you.

At the visit we will talk about

  • how your child is developing, including their movement, speech, social skills and behaviour
  • your child’s hearing and vision l how your child is growing
  • healthy eating and keeping active
  • managing behaviour and encouraging good sleeping habits
  • toothbrushing and going to the dentist
  • keeping your child safe
  • vaccinations to protect your child
  •  toilet training
  • access to childcare
  • any support you may need as a family

We are a confidential text service for parents and caregivers that you can talk to about:

  • Feeding and nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Toilet training
  • Parenting advice and support
  • Child development
  • Family health

Here are some of the websites that we recommend for information you can trust:


Sepsis Information

Tiny Happy People

Healthy Start

The Sleep Charity

NHS Children’s Teeth

Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies

Speech and language support

Healthy eating and keeping active

Potty training advice

Keeping kids Safe

Ask LionFree childcare for 2 and 3 year olds

Contraception Information

Every Mind Matters


Text a Public Health Nurse on 07480 635002

Access the 2-2 ½ Year Review leaflet here

A School R.E.A.D.Y Review 

What to expect at your child’s School R.E.A.D.Y. Review appointment

Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service

Your Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service is here to support you. The team is made up of Health Visitors and Family Nurses who have had specialist training in working with children and families to assess and support their health and development needs.

We also have Registered Nurses and skilled support staff who can help you with your child’s development and a healthy lifestyle.

Your child’s School Ready Review Appointment

Now your child is almost ready to start school, it is time for their R.E.A.D.Y Review. This is offered to every family in Nottingham.






A member of the Children’s 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service will visit you at home or invite you into a clinic.

Your partner, or anyone who supports you, is very welcome to be with you.

At the visit we will talk about:

  • how your child is developing, including their movement, speech, social skills and behaviour
  • your child’s hearing and vision
  • how your child is growing
  • healthy eating and keeping active
  • managing behaviour and encouraging good sleeping habits
  • toothbrushing and going to the dentist
  • keeping your child safe
  • vaccinations to protect your child
  • toilet training
  • any support you may need as a family to ensure your child is ready for school

Here are some of the websites that we recommend for information you can trust:

Healthy eating and keeping active

NHS Children’s Teeth

The Sleep Charity


Applying for a school place in Nottingham

Keeping Kids Safe

Sepsis Information

Children’s bowel and bladder health

Every Mind Matters

Local Services - Ask Lion

Positive Parenting

We are a confidential text service for parents and caregivers that you can talk to about:

  • Feeding and nutrition
  • Sleep l Toilet training
  • Parenting advice and support
  • Child development
  • Family health

Text a Public Health Nurse on 07480 635002

You can contact our Children’s Health Advice Hub and speak to a nurse about your child’s health and development.

0300 300 0040

Monday to Friday

8.30am to 5.00pm

We can also help you with booking or changing appointments.

Access the A School R.E.A.D.Y Review leaflet here

The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)

Dear parent/carer,

Re: Height and weight checks for children in Reception and Year 6 in 2024

Every year the height and weight of Reception and Year 6 children in schools in England are measured. This is called the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). We know how important your child’s health is to you and looking after your child’s healthy growth is a really important part of that. We hope you can use this information to add to the full picture that you have of your child’s health. It is also important to know how children are growing so that we can provide the best support.

Maintaining the wellbeing of children during the NCMP is very important. Trained health staff from Nottingham CityCare carry out the measurements. Children are measured in a private space away from other children and will be fully clothed, only taking off their shoes and coats. Children will not be made to take part on the day if they do not want to.

Staff will work in a sensitive and safe way, in line with your school’s safety plans and national guidance for schools and healthcare. Teachers, other children or other parents will not see the information.

What happens after children are weighed and measured?

Your child’s measurements will be added to their health record which can be seen by their GP and other health professionals. After the information is de-personalised so that your child cannot be identified, it will be submitted for national analysis. More details on how we process your child’s information are provided in the enclosed information sheets.

If your child is a healthy weight, we will not contact you.

If your child is not a healthy weight, we will send you a letter containing information to support your family’s efforts with eating and moving for good health. It is your choice if you share the information with your child.

Whatever your child's individual measurement, taking opportunities to help them be active and eat a healthy diet is good for their future health and happiness. For more information on healthy lifestyle choices visit Another way to help maintain a balanced diet and physical activity for your family is the NHS Healthy Steps email programme. Sign up for the 8-week Healthy Steps emails and you will be sent lots of low-cost easy tips, fun games, healthy swaps and tasty recipes on a budget. Scan the QR code or visit to sign up.

School based drop-in clinics for 11-19 year olds

Need some advice or support?

Remember your Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service is there for you during term-time and the school holidays.

The service can help with all kinds of things like:

  • Emotional health
  • Sexual health
  • Relationships
  • Self-harm
  • Bullying
  • Alcohol
  • Healthy eating
  • Drugs
  • Smoking
  • And more

Send a text to: 07480 635024

Or start a chat at

Some websites and services that you may find useful

Emotional health and well-being

Relationships and sexual health


Getting better sleep can have a positive impact on all aspects of your life

If you are in crisis and need URGENT support

  • Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Mental Health Crisis Line (24/7)freephone 0808 196 3779
  • Childline (24 hours) 0800 1111
  • Text SHOUT to 85258

If you feel that you can’t keep yourself safe go to your local A&E or ring 999

Health Promotion information for parents of school children and secondary school pupils

We provide health promotion information for parents, carers and young people.

Here are some of our latest ‘Keeping well…’ health promotion newsletters:


Access the 'Keeping Well in Spring 2024 Secondary Pupils' leaflet here

Access the 'Keeping Well in Spring 2024 Primary School Parents' leaflet here

Access the 'Keeping Well in Spring 2024 Special School Parents' leaflet here


Access the 'Keeping Well in Winter newsletter 2023 for Primary School Parents' leaflet here

Access the 'Keeping Well in Winter newsletter 2023 for Secondary Pupils' leaflet here 

Access the 'Keeping Well in Winter newsletter 2023 for Special School Parents' leaflet here


Access the 'Keeping Well Summer newsletter 2023 for Primary School Parents' leaflet here

Access the 'Keeping Well in Summer newsletter 2023 for Secondary Pupils' leaflet here

Access the 'Keeping Well in Summer newsletter 2023 for Special School Parents' leaflet here

We provide an electronic health information and signposting resource to all Year 11 pupils via their school email.

Acess the ‘How to survive becoming an adult. Tips to staying healthy and well and where to go for help’ leaflet here

These letters outline our offer to parents/carers of school children and secondary pupils.

Access the Letter to new secondary pupils from the Childrens Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service here 

Access the Letter to parents of new pimary pupils from the Childrens Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service here

Access the Letter to parents of new secondary pupils from the Childrens Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service here


We can provide support and information on the following topics:

Child Development

  • Growth and Development
  • Speech and Language
  • Toilet Training and Continence
  • Behaviour and Parenting
  •  Sleep

Child Health

  • Immunisations
  • Breast Feeding and Infant Feeding
  • First Foods (weaning)
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Minor Injuries and Illnesses
  • Home Safety
  • Emotiional Wellbeing

Advice and support for Mums, Dads, Carers and Young People

  • Parenting
  • Sexual Health and Healthy Relationships
  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Signposting to local services
  • Healthy Lifestyles

Supporting Your Child’s Health: 

We recommend that your child is registered with a GP. - Find your nearest GP here

It is recommended your child has regular dental check-ups. NHS dental care for children is free. Find your nearest NHS Dentist here

Your child’s vision should be checked at least every two years. NHS sight tests for children are free. Find your nearest Optician here 

public health 0-19 full poster.png

Text Health

Young people and parents or carers of children can get confidential advice from a public health nurse if they have concerns

Young people aged 11-19 years old can send a text to: 07480 635024 or start a chat at if they have concerns about their health or wellbeing

Parent/carers of babies and children can send a text to: 07480 635002 or start a chat at for parenting advice