The Bladder and Bowel prescription service offers prescribing for patients within the community who use continence appliances, such as:
- Urinary catheters (indwelling and intermittent)
- Urinary sheaths
- Urinary drainage systems
- Urinals
- Transanal irrigation equipment
Specialist continence nurse prescribers ensure that appropriate continence appliances are prescribed for patients according to their individual clinical needs. Prescriptions either will be sent to a pharmacy, distribution appliance centre or address of the patient’s choice.
The service also offers advice and support to patients, carers and healthcare professionals with regard to the appliances used and best management of their continence. A specialist catheter outreach nurse can provide support to community nursing staff with complex catheterisations to help avoid hospital admission. Support is also provided to patients using intermittent self-catheterisation and / or urinary sheaths.
The service aims to issue prescriptions within 2 working days.
The specialist nurses regularly review and monitor all patients referred to the service.
Prescription requests
The service is available to all patients registered with GP practices in Nottingham City.
Prescriptions can be requested by patients, relatives, carers and healthcare professionals by calling 0115 883 8900 option 3.
Prescriptions can be requested by email once you are registered with the service.