The Bladder and Bowel specialist service exists to help adults (18 and over) who have bladder and/or bowel problems.
Patients can expect an individual assessment of their bladder and or bowel problem by a specialist continence nurse or physiotherapist and treatment tailored to their specific needs.
The team provides specialist continence clinics in a variety of community locations with a view to improving patients continence symptoms.
Where treatment is not successful, a home delivery service is available for incontinence pads.
Referral Criteria:
- Registered with a Nottingham City GP
- Aged 18 and Over
- Able to attend clinic for appointments (this includes ability to transfer independently onto examination couch and toilet)
- Presenting with continence problems
This service is not available for:
- Patients not registered with a Nottingham City GP
- Under 18 years of age
- Housebound / unable to attend clinic
- No continence problem (i.e. prolapse without continence symptoms)
The service is available to all patients registered with GP practices in Nottingham City.
Referrals can be made by patients, GPs and other healthcare professionals by calling 0115 883 8900 option 1.