We carry out assessments to determine the most appropriate treatment of a lower leg wound and its post healing management.
The majority of people referred with a lower leg wound will be seen weekly in the clinic after their initial assessment, where compression will be applied to aid their ulcer in healing. Some people may need to be referred on to alternative specialist services such vascular, dermatology or lymphoedema for advice, treatment and support.
We advise and support all patients after their ulcer has healed with an annual follow up appointment. The service also undertakes lower leg circulation doppler scans as requested by GPs. We also support our community nurse colleagues working at CityCare to develop skills in leg ulcer management.
Patients referred to the service must be able to travel to one of community clinics at Mary Potter Centre, Top Valley Healthpoint, Clifton Cornerstone or Sneinton Health Centre.
The service is open to any person with a lower leg wound that has not healed within 2 weeks unless they are diabetic, in which case they must be referred to Dundee House at City Hospital.
The service is for anyone who needs to wear compression hosiery or a compression wrap garment to help control lower leg oedema or to prevent a leg ulcer recurring.
Referrals can be made for patients who meet the service criteria by patients, carers or clinicians by contacting Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 and selecting Option 1, then Option 5 or using our online referral form.
Patients who are already known to the service can contact the Nursing Triage Hub on 0115 8838151 for advice between clinic appointments.