Our service supports patients who have had a cardiovascular event such as a recent heart attack, acute coronary syndrome, heart surgery, transient ischaemic attack, newly diagnosed stable angina or a diagnosis of left ventricular systolic dysfunction.

Our team is made up of Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapists, and Assistant Practitioners who will offer advice and support to help improve your heart health and reduce the risk of further cardiovascular events.

At your first appointment, a Primary Care Cardiac Nurse will conduct a health assessment in order to identify ways to reduce the risk of further cardiac problems or TIA. We work closely with you to identify personal health goals and provide tailored support to achieve this. This can include advice on healthy eating, structured exercise programs and support to stop smoking. We also work alongside your GP to optimise your medications and help to control any symptoms.

The service links with partners in Welfare Rights, Social Services and Housing and may also be able to provide access to health and wellbeing programmes such as stop smoking and counselling services, the local heart support group as well as DVDs and other self-help materials.

Exercise is a safe and important part of recovery after a cardiovascular event and it is recommended you attend a Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme which consists of exercise and education. These weekly sessions are run at several locations around Nottingham including Nottingham City Hospital. If a group is not suitable you may be able to be seen by the team physiotherapists for a one to one exercise programme.

Patients recover at differing rates, but encouraging activity and exercise can help:

  • Reduce the risk of developing further cardiovascular disease
  • Reduce and maintain healthy blood pressure levels
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Lose weight and maintain your weight at a healthy level
  • Reduce the risk of developing diabetes and help to control blood sugar levels
  • Reduce stress, anxiety and depression levels
  • Improve muscle strength and stamina
  • Keep bones strong and reduce the risk of osteoporosis
  • Reduce joint stiffness and can help with arthritis
  • Reduce angina and breathlessness

Only patients that are registered with a GP in Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group are eligible for this service

Referrals can be made for patients who meet the service criteria by patients, carers or clinicians by contacting Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 and selecting Option 1, then Option 5 or using our online referral form.

You can also contact us directly on 0115 883 4733. The team is available from 8am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.